Met Police terrorism warning: 'Be vigilant over festive season' after teenager arrested

A Met Police vehicle. (Photo by André Langlois)A Met Police vehicle. (Photo by André Langlois)
A Met Police vehicle. (Photo by André Langlois)
A 17-year-old has been arrested in north London in relation to alleged "Islamist terrorism".

The Met Police has called on Londoners to "remain vigilant" after a teenager was arrested as part of a counter terrorism investigation.

The 17-year-old male was arrested by officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command as part of a proactive investigation linked to online terrorist content.

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Police say the arrest is not linked to the Israel-Hamas conflict, but does relate to "Islamist terrorism".

The UK's terror threat level is currently "substantial", defined as "an attack is likely".

He was arrested at a north London home on Thursday (November 16) on suspicion of terrorism offences:

  • Being involved in the encouragement of terrorism contrary to section 1 of the Terrorism Act (TACT), 2006;
  • Dissemination of terrorist publications contrary to section 2 TACT 2006;
  • Arranging availability of money or other property for the purposes of terrorism contrary to section 17 TACT, 2000;
  • Possessing a document likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism contrary to section 58 TACT, 2000.

He was taken to a south London police station and was released on bail to a date in February.

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Commander Dominic Murphy, Head of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said: “This is another case where a teenager has been arrested on suspicion of what are serious terrorism offences, and we remain very concerned about the increasing numbers of young people we’re seeing feature in our investigations.

“We have officers working around the clock to counter the threat from terrorism, but the public can also play a big part as well. I would urge all Londoners – particularly as we now enter the festive season – to be vigilant when they are out and about in the capital over the coming days and weeks. Please report anything that doesn’t look or feel right to us. Your call won’t ruin any lives, but it could help to save them.”

People can report suspicious activity to the police online or by calling 0800 789 321. In an emergency, always call 999.