Tower Hamlets: Teenage victim of fatal stabbing named as Shea Gordon by Met Police

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Shea is the 10th teenager to have lost his life to violence in London this year.

A 17-year-old stabbed to death in east London has been named by the Met Police as Shea Gordon.

The teenager from Enfield suffered fatal stab wounds during a disturbance in Lichfield Road, Bow, just after midnight on Sunday and later died in hospital.

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A second teenager remains critically injured in hospital, the force said.

Shea Gordon has been named as the victim of a fatal stabbing in Tower HamletsShea Gordon has been named as the victim of a fatal stabbing in Tower Hamlets
Shea Gordon has been named as the victim of a fatal stabbing in Tower Hamlets | Credit: Met Police

An 18-year-old man was arrested on Monday on suspicion of violent disorder.

He remains in police custody.

Det Ch Insp Mark Rogers, who is leading the inquiry, said: “Shea’s family have our assurances that we will do everything we possibly can to bring them justice and support them following their terrible loss.

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"I also want to reassure them and the wider community that my team and I are working around the clock to establish exactly what has happened and who is responsible.

“I would ask anyone who witnessed this incident or may have information that could help our investigation to please get in touch with us and share what you know.”

He added: “I am aware of reports saying that about a hundred people, armed with weapons, were involved.

“While I would stress that our investigation is in its very early stages, this information does not appear to be wholly accurate.

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“We know a significant number of people were caught up in this incident but not necessarily directly involved or armed with weapons.”

Anyone who witnessed this incident, or who has captured footage or images, should call the Major Incident Room on 0208 345 3715, giving the reference Operation Wildcast.

Information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.